Wednesday, June 19th | 14:00 - 15:00 | Conference Room 2 | Ecological & social transition and Innovation

Environmental Impacts of Artificial Intelligence: Current state and trends.

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Gianluca ODOARDI

IT Project Manager


Gianluca is an experienced and results-driven Project Manager with several years of expertise in different industries, from IT consulting to HR and banking. He leads cross-functional teams to deliver cutting-edge IT solutions in different countries. His expertise lies in managing complex projects, fostering innovation, and spearheading digital transformation. Leveraging his 90+ successful project deliveries, Gianluca brings a passion for knowledge sharing to conferences and teaching.


Chief Executive Officer


At the age of 22, Amael is at the helm of the Swiss company Resilio, which specialises in LCA assessments for the digital sector. In its first 2 years, Resilio demonstrated its unparalleled expertise by satisfying over 100 customers (including LVMH, in over 45 countries) and achieving cumulative sales of €2 millions, ending both financial years with a profit.  

Amael got trained in environmental engineering at EPFL, and wished to merge it with its passion for IT. He find a way to combine both in environmental assessments: efficient, precise and relevant are the watchwords of his work.    

Amael coordinates Resilio's 4 business lines and its 25 employees:  Resilio Academy trains and educates your teams in Responsible Digital Technology and Green IT;   Resilio Tech enables you to assess the environmental footprint (multi-criteria LCA) of your digital products and services in record time, including on a large scale;  Resilio Database is a disruptive dynamic database, delivered through an API, offering consistent PEF 3.0 compliant LCA footprint data, for millions of digital devices ;  Resilio Consulting provides LCA support, both for eco-design in large corporation at scale, or in complex LCA for the EU or governements.    

More specifically, Amael is in charge of Resilio's partnerships, both commercial and associative, and the public relations of the company.



Université Libre de Bruxelles

I am an assistant professor at the Data Science and Engineering Lab at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Prior to that I was an assistant professor at the Technical University of Vienna, and a Marie Skłodowska Curie fellow at the “Athena” Research Center and at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I have a Diploma and a PhD in Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, and a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Southern California.    

My research interests are around the topic of Responsible AI.

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