Tuesday, June 18th | 17:00 - 18:00 | Conference Room 2 | Ecological & social transition and Innovation

Which digital solutions can help meet other Sustainable Development Goals (Mobility, Public Services, Renovation, Food, etc.)? How to avoid rebound effects ?

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IOT Factory

Founder of IOT Factory, company specialized in Smart Building (Energy Efficiency, Air Quality). Lionel Anciaux has more than 20 years experience in the implementation of IOT technologies applied to the Construction and Building sector. Graduated from ULB Polytechnics school of Brussels as a Construction engineer, Lionel has rapidly moved to the IT and Technology sector.   His expertise is currently focused on the use of IOT technologies to help improve building usage, by reducing its energy footprint, save on water consumptions, improve indoor air quality, and in general improve activities around facility management.

Véronique de LAET

Team Leader Innovation

Geographic Information Management NV

Véronique De Laet is a GIS, GeoAI, earth observation and GeoICT expert with more than 10 years of experience. She studied geography at KU Leuven (2001) and acquired the post-graduate degree of environmental coordinator A (2002), a degree of doctor in Science (2007), a graduate in IT (2013). Till 2013 she worked as post-doctoral researcher at KU Leuven within the domain of GIS and earth observation for geo-archaeology.   From 2013 onwards she worked for GeoID, a company specialized in 3D virtual landscape visualization, where she took up the role of project manager and software developer for the development of a 3D software visualisation solution in .NET.  

Since April 2015 she works for GIM NV, a company specialised in geographic information management for which intelligent location software and processing geodata is a passion. GIM is a very dynamic organisation for which sustainability is key, both within the projects as well as how GIM is organised.  

Véronique started as a project manager for GIS, GeoICT and GeoAI projects and since 2019 she is doing more and more business development and taking up the role of team lead, first for the private business domain and since 2024 in the innovation team. In this role she steers the strategy of her team, assures the team collaboration, solves planning and resource issues, coordinates budgeting and sales target definitions, … Finally she also takes the lead on sales & innovation process optimisations at GIM.

Grégoire de HEMPTINNE

Cofounder and Managing Partner


Gregoire de Hemptinne is co-founder and managing partner at Shayp. As a computer sciences engineer, data expert and entrepreneur, Gregoire has felt the urge to put his technical and business skills at the service of a sustainable transition towards a resilient world. Strongly connected with the European entrepreneurial ecosystem, he defines business success through creation of new virtuous systems benefiting many stakeholders, fostering network effects.

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