2025 Conferences and Panel Discussions

Discover the preliminary program of the GreenTech Forum 2025 conferences.

The call for speakers is closed. The speakers will be announced in March.

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2025 Sustainable IT challenges: AI, IoT, Cybersecurity…
Conference | Theme: AI

What are today’s main challenges with regards to sustainable IT? How must Green IT be rethought in light of recent innovations? Is it still possible to reverse the trend in terms of the environmental footprint of digital technology?

AI for Dummies: LLM, RAG, deep learning, machine learning, Generative AI, 30 min to understand everything
Conference | Theme: AI

Understanding the basics of AI is essential to understanding its environmental impact, which varies depending on the type of AI (Generative or not, model size, etc.).

CSRD: understand everything in 30 minutes
Conference | Themes: Strategy, Evaluation

To grasp the transformative opportunities offered by CSRD, it is necessary to understand its workings through concrete cases and educational illustrations.

Datacenter/Cloud environmental footprint assessment: getting out of the jungle of benchmarks
Conference | Theme: Evaluation

State of play of existing repositories for data center and cloud provider managers. Propose different benchmarks to facilitate their adoption. How cloud providers, hosting companies can apply these hanbooks, and how user companies can refer to them to understand the Green IT policy of their solution provider.

Digital Twins: a way for organisations to take better decisions for ecological transition?
Conference | Theme: Innovation

Digital twins can represent a great opportunity to simulate crucial choices for environmental transition. A way to anticipate indirect effects, rebound effects and make a better planification of the organisation sustainability roadmap. But is it relevant for every organisation? And what about the environmental impact of these modelisations?

Green Software Tools: your top 10 selection of free tools to develop greener software
Conference | Themes: Ecodesign, Evaluation

To guide as many people as possible through the vast number of existing tools, what is your selection of 10 free tools for implementing Green IT best practice in software/Web development?

PCRs to help assess the Information System footprint
Conference | Theme:  Evaluation

Standardizing environmental impact assessment methods through a unified methodology is a challenge to limit greenwashing and allow each company to obtain reliable reporting to act better. PCRs are, in this respect, particularly interesting tools that companies must seize, while understanding their limitations.

Responsible IT procurement: what criteria to include in calls for tender, how to structure your specifications
Conference | Themes:  Equipement lifespan, Strategy, Evaluation

Sustainable IT procurement is always a headache. In 30 minutes, step by step, learn how to identify the essential elements to include in your calls for tender or purchasing criteria to succeed in this challenge.

Right to Repair: what real progress?
Conference | Theme:  Equipement lifespan

What are the recent progresses in the right to repair, what is still missing, what solutions for professionals?

Sustainable IT Strategy step by step: the tutorial
Conference | Theme:  Strategy

Building your Sustainable IT strategy step by step.

AI edge computing: the solution for sobriety?
Panel discussion | Themes:  AI, Innovation

Technical solutions are seeking to stem the impact of AI, including edge computing. But is it really a solution? What could be the rebound effects?

AI: continue to speed up, or start slowing down (and how)?
Panel discussion | Themes:  AI, Strategy

Acceleration seems to be an end in itself, without even thinking about the real consequences of this great acceleration. But shouldn't we, on the contrary, slow down? And if yes, how can we achieve this?

AI: in case of bug, cyberattack or other crisis, will we be able to regain control timely to ensure business resilience?
Panel discussion | Themes:  AI, Strategy

How resilient is a business process relying heavily on AI? AI is becoming an integral part of more and more business processes. But when the machine goes wild, are organisations ready to go back one step and able to control the associated risks, including in terms of cybersecurity?

Business model of companies: why move away from volume logic, and how ?
Panel discussion | Theme:  Strategy

Optimizing, making more effective, more efficient is one the goals for both IT and Green IT, but it won’t be enough for the ecological transition. Moving away from a volume logic is the only way out for a sustainable systemic transformation that truly takes into account planetary boundaries.

CSRD, a lever for IT transformation?
Panel discussion | Theme:  Strategy

Will the CSRD enable IT Systems Departments to sustainably transform their Information Systems, or will they just facilitate reporting?

Cybersecurity: what compatibility with Green IT in the era of AI?
Panel discussion | Themes:  AI, Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and Green IT are often considered as contradictory. How can specialists succeed in combining these two necessary building blocks for a trusted IT that is safe for its users and environmentally friendly?

Ecodesign: a business issue rather than a technical issue?
Panel discussion | Theme:  Ecodesign

To achieve eco-design, it is of course necessary to apply standards and technical best practices. To become more susstainable, companies must also review their business model and service offering. Isn’t this an integral part and the first step of eco-design? Or can technical teams lead the initiative?

European Accessibility Act: is it finally time for web accessibility?
Panel discussion | Theme:  Ecodesign

The European Accessibility Act comes into force on June 28, 2025. Will web accessibility finally experience its advent?

Frugal AI, the only credible path?
Panel discussion | Themes:  AI, Ecodesign

Frugal AI: purposes, technical principles, degree of applicability, contribution to the resilience of AI-based services, challenges and limmitations

IoT, is it part of the solution or is it the path to ecological disaster?
Panel discussion | Themes:  Ecodesign, Innovation

It is expected that the number of connected objects will grow drastically; with embedded AI, this growth could be even bigger than anticipated a few years ago. Can we and should we limit this growth?

Low-tech, permacomputing… How to innovate tomorrow while respecting planetary boundaries?
Panel discussion | Theme: Innovation

What will innovation look like tomorrow? What techniques and imaginations can we rely on? Or is this just another form of techno-solutionism?

Towards the most durable and repairable equipment possible: a paradigm shift in business models, or just another form of greenwashing?
Panel discussion | Theme: Equipement lifespan

To have a truly sustainable activity, terminal manufacturers should have every interest in producing as sustainably as possible, rather than contributing to a permanent renewal of equipment fleets. Is it truly happening?

Opening ceremony and speeches
More information soon...
1. Planetary boundaries: challenges in measuring and reporting on Sustainable IT. Assessing the global environmental impacts of digital technology - state of the art.
Topic: Introduction to Sustainable IT
  • Louise AUBET, Head of R&D, Resilio
  • Cyprien DE BARROS, Founder & Manager, Dimeritium
  • Louis GOLARD, PhD Student, Université catholique de Louvain
2. Converting organizations and their leaders to Sustainable IT - ROI, co-benefits, and extra-environmental arguments.
Topic: Responsible Enterprise
  • Christine HECKMANN, President, Verdikt
  • Manaëlle PERCHET, Head of Impact & Sustainable Development, Wemanity
  • Julien ROUZE, Cofounder, Sopht
3. Sustainable public purchasing : the practical implementation of the Circular and Fair ICT Pact (CFIT) framework, from the pre-tender stage to end-of-life management.
Topic: Responsible Enterprise

  • Johan RODENHUIS, Strategic Sustainability Advisor IT, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
  • Ekaterina SMID-GANKIN, Circular Procurement Advisor, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management / Rijkswaterstaat
  • Michaël VAN MOL, Legal Advisor, Agency for Facility Operations
4. Small organisations and Sustainable IT, how to take concrete action? (testimonials and feedback).
Topic: Responsible Enterprise
  • Benjamin LANG, President, Aelan
  • Laurence de KERCHOVE, Project Officer, Sustain.brussels / Agoria
5. Large/international organisations and Sustainable IT: key success factors and pitfalls to avoid (approaches, regulations, different cultures...).
Topic: Responsible Enterprise
  • Diego EGUIDAZU ALONSO, CIO, European Patent Office
  • Christine HECKMANN, President, Verdikt
  • Tobias STRELOW, IT Consultant, Lufthansa Group
Conference sponsored by:
6. Sustainable purchasing : including environmental and social considerations in IT buying decisions - tools and best practices
Topic: Responsible Enterprise
  • Barton FINN, Purchaser Engagement Manager, TCO Development
  • David KOHNSTAMM, Co-Founder & CSO, Leafcloud
  • Laurie SERVAIS, Sustainable IT Officer, Airbus
7. Eco-design of digital services: which frameworks (GR491, GreenSoft Model…) to use, what mindset to adopt within IT teams, what skills to develop?
Topic: Sustainable IT Infrastructures and Services
  • Vincent DUCAS, Consulting Manager, Digital4better
  • Benita HUBE, Lecturer, The UWA Business School
  • Simon UYTTENDAELE, CEO, Aeonics
8. Eco-design & websites: Tools, standards, best practices (incl. accessibility, data privacy...), actors & testimonials.
Topic: Sustainable IT Infrastructures and Services
  • Pascal DESHAYES, CEO, TerraOps
  • Manon LESPES, Front-end Developer, Spade
  • Sophie SCHUERMANS, DIgital Accessibility Expert, AnySurfer
9. How can open-source software help reduce hardware obsolescence?
Topic: Sustainable IT Infrastructures and Services
  • Ignacio RONDINI, Sofware developer and founder, Axoly Tech
  • Anna ZAGORSKI, Research Associate, German Environment Agency
10. Eco-design from theory to practice, how do companies take action in real life? Eco-design, a fundamental lever to reduce the environmental footprint of IT. Case studies of implementation (services and/or products side).
Topic: Sustainable IT Infrastructures and Services
  • Jean-Brieuc FERON, Founder, Citronics
  • Olivier PEDOUSSAUT, High-Tech Director, DASSAULT SYSTEMES
  • Simon UYTTENDAELE, CEO, Aeonics
11. BYOD/COPE & Cybersecurity: What technical and cultural barriers exist for the sharing of equipment between companies (e.g. having two laptops as a consultant due to client-site consulting), or between personal and professional use?
  • Rayna STAMBOLIYSKA, CEO and Founder, RS Strategy  
12. Sustainable IT & Regulations: Directives and obligations for IT in Europe; public and corporate policies to promote more responsible IT usage by end customers and consumers; international initiatives.
  • Bianca SOFIAN, Senior Environmental Sustainability Analyst, Cullen International
13. Multi-criteria (water and resources consumption, pollution, GHG emissions...) measurement of IT's environmental footprint: tackling the lack of robust data and unstandardized methods, and exploring labels, certifications, and tools for Sustainable IT policies and footprint tracking.
Topic: Tools, Certifications, Standards, Norms & Regulations
  • Barton FINN, Purchaser Engagement Manager, TCO Development
  • Aiste RUGEVICIUTE, Researcher - Consultant, Square Management / La Rochelle University
14. Preparing for Sustainable IT and environmental disclosure regulations; getting ready for CSRD, Ecoscore, Repairability Index... and managing environmental data effectively.
Topic: Tools, Certifications, Standards, Norms & Regulations
  • Kris BOUDT, CEO, Sentometrics
  • Constance D'ASPREMONT, Chief Business Development Officer, Greenomy
  • Véronique PEVTSCHIN, CEO, TheGreenShot
15. Incorporating Sustainable IT into educational programs across various fields (engineering, generalist, management, journalism...) and emphasizing the need for training in companies to adopt greener digital practices.
  • Sarah DESCAMPS, Research Assistant and PhD Student, University of Mons
  • Patrick NOEL, CEO and co-Founder, We Boost Your Project
  • Andrea Vittorio QUILICI, Head of Consulting, Resilio
16. Refurbishment, repair & WEEE management: Market reality and solutions for businesses.
Topic: Ecological & social transition and Innovation
  • Virginie VERSAVEL, Circular Economy Officer (CEO) & Founder, CIRCULIFE.eu
17. Which digital solutions can help meet other Sustainable Development Goals (Mobility, Public Services, Renovation, Food, etc.)? How to avoid rebound effects?
Topic: Ecological & social transition and Innovation
  • Lionnel ANCIAUX, CEO, IOT Factory
  • Grégoire DE HEMPTINNE, Cofounder and Managing Partner, Shayp
  • Véronique DE LAET, Team Leader Innovation, Geographic Information Management
18. Environmental benefits of digital technology: myth or reality? How to integrate indirect environmental impacts/rebound effects of digital technology into a systemic approach ? How is digital technology shaping tomorrow's society and its impacts?
Topic: Ecological & social transition and Innovation
  • David BOL, Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain
  • Victor LAMBERT, Senior Consultant in Sustainable IT, IJO
  • Xavier MARICHAL, Sustainability Consultant, Sonterra sprl et Université Catholique de Louvain
  • Arjen VAN DE WALLE, PhD Candidate, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - sustAIn.brussels
19. Promoting Circular Innovation: Technology and design for a circular future.
Topic: Ecological & social transition and Innovation
  • Rodolfo GROENEWOUD, CEO, In4Art BV
  • Alexandra KARTACHOVA, Consulting Director in charge of CSR, Market Intelligence and Market Research practices, Sofrecom
20. AI for Eco-Efficiency : Using AI to reduce our environmental footprint, taking into account the footprint of AI.
Topic: Ecological & social transition and Innovation
  • Ana SEMEDO, Managing Director, IL Expansions
21. Environmental Impacts of Artificial Intelligence: Current state and trends.
Topic: Ecological & social transition and Innovation
  • Gianluca ODOARDI, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Amael PARREAUX-EY, Chief Executive Officer, Resilio
  • Dimitris SACHARIDIS, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles